- Hernández-Garduño, A., E. Pérez-Chavela and S. Zhu. Stability of Regular Polygonal Relative Equilibria on S2. Journal of Nonlinear Science, 32 (73) (2022).
- Bengochea, A., A. Hernández-Garduño and E. Pérez-Chavela. New families of periodic orbits in the 4-body problem emanating from a kite configuration. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 398 (2021).
- Hernández-Garduño, A. y B.N. Shashikanth. Reconstruction phases in the planar three- and four-vortex problems. Nonlinearity, 31 (3): 783-814 (2018).
- Hernández-Garduño, A. y A. Sandoval-Romero, Domain Coloring on the Riemann Sphere. The Mathematica Journal, 17:1-31 (2015).
- Hernández-Garduño, A. y C. Stoica. Lagrangian Relative Equilibria in a Modified Three-Body Problem with a Rotationally Symmetric Ellipsoid. SIAM. J. Applied Dynamical Systems, 14 (1): 221-252 (2015).
- Hernández-Garduño, A. y C. Stoica. Bifurcations of relative equilibria for one spheroidal and two spherical bodies. Astrophys Space Sci., 343 (2): 523-534 (2013).
- Hernández-Garduño, A. y E.A. Lacomba. Collisions and Regularization of the 3-Vortex Problem. J. of mathematical fluid mechanics, 9: 75-86 (2007).
- Hernández-Garduño, A., J.K. Lawson y J.E. Marsden. Relative equilibria for the generalised rigid body, J. of Geometry and Physics, 53 (3): 259-274 (2005).
- Hernández-Garduño, A. y J.E. Marsden. Regularization of the Amended Potential and the Bifurcation of Relative Equilibria. J. of Nonlinear Science, 15 (2): 93-132 (2005).
- Hernández-Garduño, A., Bifurcations of Relative Equilibria in Simple Mechanical Systems. Contemporary Mathematics. AMS, 437:89-100 (2007).
Theses Directed
Computation of Holonomic Cycles for the Implementation of Quantum Logic Gates. Department of Computer Science, ITAM. Student: Luis Felipe Landa Lizarralde. Defended: August 24, 2022.
Design and Implementation of a System to Simulate an Spherical Elastic Pendulum and its Consequences. Department of Computer Science, ITAM. Student: Eduardo Woldenberg Esperón. Defended: March 16, 2021.
Geometry and Dynamics in the N point-vortex problem. Deparment of Mathematics, UAM-I. Student: José Luis Quiroz Herrera. Defended: June 28, 2016. (Master's degree.)
Geometric Phases and Focault's Pendulum. Department of Physics, UNAM (Facultad de Ciencias). Student: Oscar Chávez Molina. Defended: February 10, 2010.
The Spherical Pendulum as an Example of a Classical Integrable Hamiltonian System. Department of Physics, UNAM (Facultad de Ciencias). Student: Daniel Valerio Martínez. Defended: December 6, 2006.